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Via Gaggio N°72 - 47832 San Clemente - Rimini, Italy
VAT number: 01622060406

VAT number: 01622060406
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The MEC3 branch in Hungary has new headquarters which include an area of 1000 square metres of which 720 are intended for the warehouse, 180 for the school and 120 for the offices. Elia Bianchini, Branch Director & Sales Manager gives us the details. 

"The desire for a restyling of the Mec3 Hungarian branch has been in the air for some time now, and this year it finally happened. We moved to a nicer and better served area, however, to meet the needs of our collaborators it’s not too far from our previous head-quarters. It’s a building of 1000smq of which 720smq are for the warehouse ,180smq for the school and 120smq for the offices. It’s all very functional and everything has been studied in detail to welcome both customers and employees in the best possible way."


After two difficult years, 2022 is full of enthusiasm: what are the objectives for your branch?  

The prospects look good. One of our set objectives was to refresh our image, and I would say that we have succeeded! The other is to return to the business levels of 2015, the best year for the Hungarian branch. 

Amongst the product novelties, which are those most appreciated by the customers? 
Without doubt the line Gooody, it has become an extremely popular trend, and we have been promoting 
it since last year. The new Quelle Yogo and Tiramisù are performing very well, just like Quella White without added sugar. Lastly, Sweetcaviar, because it offers a different kind of variegate, never seen before. Of course, I confirm the enormous success of Paw Patrol, which continues to generate a high number of orders thanks also to the marketing activities that encourage sell out in the gelato parlour. Many customers, after visiting the headquarters and the school, have decided to buy it!  

How many sales agents are present in the territory?  

We preside over the territory with five agents that are also product specialists or have a back- ground as a gelato chef. This is a particularly important plus because they know the product well and know how to propose it.  

What type of courses have you activated? 

Starting with the ‘Basic’ courses, aimed at providing new customers with a panorama of the new Mec3 products, to courses for beginners, to those dedicated to the knowledge of the milk bases, to attract customers that buy from the competitors.  

If you could make a wish, what would it be?  

Work in peace, because if you are not disturbed by external events... there’s no rivalry!